Women reproductive health has been a challenging situation in the rural communities across Africa and other continents and this is due to lack of access to information and treatment. A number of mothers die day to day during delivery and the cause is the various infections that attack their reproductive systems. There is a level of mindset among the community females that every death is caused by witchcraft which leads to many deaths referred to witchcraft yet it originates from reproductive infections and diseases.
This does not only affect the women (mothers) but also the young female children from the community. The future of these young girls is really difcult if nothing is done to get them out of this problem. Health and Education Rectitude Foundation after discovering that 65% of the females in the communities are victims of reproductive problems, decided to undertake this program to help the community women and young female children access reproductive health assistance and reduce on the rate and risks of related deaths. The community women have no capacity to afford hospital bills; they try to solve every sickness problem traditionally. The organization organizes community outreaches to meet different groups of women and they are tested, counselled and provided by rst aid medications. We have partnered with well known local hospitals to help us handle special cases bigger than our capacity. We are looking forward to partner with other organizations to reach a number of women and young girls in the community.