Women reproductive health has been a challenging situation in the rural communities across Africa and other continents and this is due to lack of access to information and treatment. A number of mothers die day to day during delivery and the cause is the various infections that attack their reproductive systems.
Many people in our community do not know how to feed and what to feed their children, pregnant mothers and the elderly sometimes this due to the economic situation in the country and ignorance HERF will teach communities on what they are supposed to feed on inorder to reduce on the levels of Malnutrition through encouraging Urban Farming, Providing free vegetable seeds, Free clean water supply to the community .
HERF, Senstizes people on the ways to prevent HIV and encourages those on ARVs to stay on medication, HERF visits schools encouraging young girls & boys to abstain from sex untill marriage as the only method of AIDS Prevention. Through medical camps HERF carries out blood tests, gives out condoms to people living in slum arears or ghettos.